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  1. Convocatòria TancadaERA-NET WaterWorks

    CONVOCATÒRIA: 2018 - Tancada

    AQUESTA CONVOCATÒRIA ESTÀ TANCADA: El termini de la convocatòria va acabar el dia 24 d'abril de 2018.

    Organismes convocants:
    1. RESUM

    The Water JPI 2018 Joint Call on " Closing the Water Cycle Gap – Sustainable Management of Water Resources " launched within the frame of the WaterWorks2017 ERANET and co-funded by organizations of the Water JPI officially OPENED on 19 February 2018.

    The scope of this call covers, in particular, the Water JPI Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA 2.0) Theme 5 “Closing the Water Cycle Gap – Improving Sustainable Water Resources Management”.

    Proposals submitted under this call must address at least one of the following themes:

    I. Enabling sustainable management of water resources,
    II. Strengthening socio-economic approaches to water management,
    III. Supporting tools for sustainable integrative management of water resources.

    2. TERMINI

    Fins al 24 d'abril de 2018.

    Us demanam que aquells de vosaltres que estigueu interessats a presentar una sol·licitud a aquesta convocatòria, ho comuniqueu al més aviat possible a Cristina Rogel, extensió 2550, o adreça

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