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Programa LIFE
CONVOCATÒRIA: 2017 - TancadaAQUESTA CONVOCATÒRIA ESTÀ TANCADA: El termini de la convocatòria va acabar el dia 26 de setembre de 2017.
The Commission invites legal persons (entities) registered in the European Union (EU) to present proposals for the 2017 Call for proposals for LIFE Action Grants. The call covers proposals for both LIFE sub-programmes.
For the sub-programme for Environment, this call will cover action grants for "Traditional" projects, Preparatory projects, Integrated projects, Technical Assistance projects.
For the sub-programme for Climate Action, this call will cover action grants for "Traditional projects", Integrated projects, Technical Assistance projects.
Proposals may be submitted by legal persons (entities) registered in the EU. Applicants may fall into three types of beneficiaries: (1) public bodies, (2) private commercial organisations and (3) private non-commercial organisations (including NGOs).Applicants must use the LIFE 2017 application packages (in English only) for the preparation of their proposals. Each application package contains full and detailed explanations with regard to eligibility, procedures, co-financing rates and all other relevant details.
IMPORTANT: Where public bodies are involved as coordinating and/or associated beneficiaries in a project, the sum of their financial contributions to the project budget must exceed (by at least 2%) the sum of the salary costs charged to the project for personnel who are not considered 'additional'
Al llarg del mes de setembre de 2017; vegeu la convocatòria que us interessi per a cada cas.
IMPORTANT: Us demanam que si estau interessats a presentar una proposta, contacteu amb l'OSR per gestionar la sol·licitud ( ).
Documents i enllaços Documents i enllaços Informació completa de la convocatòria Orientation document