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Programa LIFE
CONVOCATÒRIA: 2018 - TancadaAQUESTA CONVOCATÒRIA ESTÀ TANCADA: El termini de la convocatòria va acabar el dia 12 de setembre de 2018.
The LIFE programme has launched its 2018 call for project proposals. This year, we are investing close to 400 million in nature conservation, environmental protection and climate action. We are also introducing a streamlined application process to make it easier for you to request LIFE funds.
As a bottom-up funding instrument, LIFE provides applicants with flexibility to truly innovate. We support projects that are either tackling climate change, or protecting nature and the environment. Further funding categories are tailored to the scale and objective of projects, but their approach, duration, consortium and budget remain up to you to decide.
Types of projects: Traditional and Integrated
Most LIFE projects are so-called Traditional Projects that can be coordinated by any legal entity registered in the EU, including public institutions, businesses and non-governmental organisations. Many traditional projects demonstrate best-practices, run pilots, raise public awareness or spread breakthroughs in environmental practices.
Since 2014, the LIFE programme also accepts applications for larger-scale Integrated Projects, which implement strategic EU plans on the environment and the climate on a large territorial scale. These projects can also have regional, multi-regional, national or trans-national scope. Integrated Projects are open to public administrations or other entities large enough to coordinate complementary funding from private, national or other EU sources. Examples of Integrated Projects are available in LIFEs recent IP factsheet.
Simple new application process
As of this year, the LIFE programme has simplified its application process for traditional projects on Environment and Resource Efficiency, and Nature and Biodiversity. In this new, two-stage application procedure, candidates will outline their idea in a concept note by mid-June. Shortlisted candidates will then submit a full project proposal in autumn 2018. The LIFE programme has introduced this new approach to lighten your workload. This year, applicants for Traditional Projects on climate action will continue to submit single-stage applications by September 2018.IMPORTANT: Where public bodies are involved as coordinating and/or associated beneficiaries in a project, the sum of their financial contributions to the project budget must exceed (by at least 2%) the sum of the salary costs charged to the project for personnel who are not considered 'additional'
12 June 2018: concept notes for Environment & Resource Efficiency
14 June 2018: concept notes for Nature & Biodiversity
05 September 2018: concept notes for Integrated Projects
12 September 2018: full proposals for Climate ActionIMPORTANT: Us demanam que si estau interessats a presentar una proposta contacteu amb l'OSR per gestionar la sol·licitud ( ).
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