Proyectos internacionales vigentes
La UIB participa actualmente en 17 proyectos de investigación que han obtenido financiación de la Unión Europea a través del Séptimo programa Marco, el programa Horizon 2020 u otros de la Unión Europea:
- ARCHBOTANKA - From the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean through ethnoarchaeology of fuel and archaeobotany
- CoralMath - Thematical models for coral reefs: towards an interdisciplinary and conservation focused research
- G9-SCIENCE4ALL - G9-SCIENCE4ALL: The Night of Researchers for Everyone
- GREEN HYSLAND - Deployment of a H2 Ecosystem on the Island of Mallorca
- LIFE AdaptCalaMillor - Participatory and multi-level governance process to design a transformational climate change adaptation project at Cala Millor beach from an integrated and multidisciplinary science-based approach
- LocAll4Flood - Flash flood risk prevention & resilience in Mediterranean area through an Integrated Multistakeholder Governance Model, gathering prevention, adaptation and mitigation solutions
- MAGMA - Magnetic topological insulators for robust Majorana bound states
- MEDiverSEAty - MEDiverSEAty. In quest of the human dimensions of MEDiterranean Marine Biodiversity
- NATALIE - Accelerating and mainstreaming transformative NATure-bAsed solutions to enhance resiLIEence to climate change for diverse bio-geographical European regions
- OCN - Ocean Crime Narratives: A polyhedral assessment of hegemonic discourse on environmental crime and harm at sea (1982-present)
- PEST-BIN - Pioneering Strategies Against Bacterial Infections
- PHYMOT - Physics of Microbial Motility
- PHYMOT - Physics of Microbial Motility
- SEAGHOSTS - Winged ghosts wandering the oceans: the global spatial ecology and conservation of the world's smallest and elusive seabirds, the storm petrel (Hydrobatidae & Oceanitidae), across the Mediterranean and the North East Atlantic Ocean
- SENTINEL - Design and Implementation of an Advanced Nonlinear and Non-Gaussian Data Assimilation Algorithm for Bounded Variables in Numerical Weather Prediciton Models.
Además, participa en 9 proyectos financiados por otras instituciones internacionales:
- Determining the thermal thresholds and population structure of local coral species.
- Female Filmmakers and Feminism in the Media
- Gendered Conceptions of Autonomous Consent: A Philosophical, Psychological and Linguistic Investigation Across Cultures
- MACPA - Monoclonal Antibody to Combat Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
- Moss_Clim - Past Climates from living mosses (Moss_Clim)
- PUPP - Partnership on University Plagiarism Prevention (PUPP)
- Redes GeoEspaciales: Explorando el uso de la Geomática y la Teledetección aplicada a la adaptación climática
- Serviço Social na história: questão social, movimentos e lutas sociais - América Latina e Europa (1960-2020)
- The aphrodisiac gut: defining the factors promoting yeast mating within insect intestines
Proyectos internacionales finalizados recientemente
Los siguientes proyectos finalizaron su periodo de ejecución recientemente:
- 31/08/2024: Investigación colaborativa: CRCNS US-Spain Propuesta de investigación: Mecanismos de toma de decisiones adaptativos a nivel de circuito
- 30/06/2024: REDSEA-FB - A Metagenomic Baseline of Red Sea Functional Biodiversity
- 31/03/2024: ADOPD - Adaptive Optical Dendrites
- 31/03/2024: BugWright2 - Autonomous Robotic Inspection and Maintenance on Ship Hulls and Storage Tanks
- 31/03/2024: VPP4ISLANDS - Virtual Power Plant for Interoperable and Smart isLANDS
- 29/02/2024: POLYSAXES - The effect of polyploidisation of Saxifraga oppositofolia on metabolic fluxes
- 24/01/2024: Artifical Intelligence & Animal Movement
- 31/10/2023: SSHARE - Self-sufficient humidity to electricity Innovative Radiant Adsorption System Toward Net Zero Energy Buildings