Ecología interdisciplinaria (EI)
Publicaciones en revistas
- Tejada S, Pinya S, Bibiloni MªM, Tur JA, Pons A, Sureda A, "Cardioprotective effects of the polyphenol hydroxytyrosol from olive oil" [], "Current Drug Targets", Volumen 17, Páginas 1-10, 2016. Review.
- Pinya S, Tejada S, Capó X, Sureda T., "Invasive predator snake induces oxidative stress responses in insular amphibian species", "Science of the Total Environment", Número 566-567, Páginas 57-62, 2016. Artículo.
- C. Mena; P. Reglero; P. Ferriol; A. P. Torres; A. Aparicio-González; R. Balbín; R. Santiago; G. Moyà; F. Alemany; N. S. R. Agawin, "Prokaryotic picoplankton spatial distribution during summer in a haline front in the Balearic Sea, Western Mediterranean", "Hydrobiologia", Volumen 779, Número 1, Páginas 243-257, 2016. Artículo.
- Nona S. R. Agawin; Pere Ferriol;, Callum Cryer; Elena Alcon; Antonio Busquets; Eva Sintes; Constanza Vidal; Gabriel Moyà, "Significant nitrogen fixation activity associated with the phyllosphere of Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica: first report", "Marine Ecology Progress Series", Volumen 551, Páginas 53-62, 2016. Artículo.
- de Lope J; Mateu-Vicens G, Deudero S, "Meta-analysis review of fish trophic level at marine protected areas based on stable isotopes data", "Mediterranean Marine Science", Volumen 17, Número 2, Páginas 496-507, 2016. Artículo.
- Guillem Mateu-Vicens; Teresa Sebastián; Anna Khokhlova; Maria Del Mar Leza; Salud Deudero, "Characterization of nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes in epiphytic foraminiferal morphotypes", "Journal of Foraminiferal Research", Volumen 46, Número 3, Páginas 271-284, 2016. Artículo.
- Albero Santacreu, D.; Melis, M. G.; Mateu Vicens, G., "Landscape construction in southern Sardinia in the 4th Millennium BC: an approach using clay procurement", "Periodico Di Mineralogia", Volumen 85, Número 2, Páginas 151-166, 2016. Artículo.
- Brandano, M., Westphal, H., Mateu-Vicens, G., Preto, N., Obrador, A., "Ancient upwelling record in a phosphate hardground (Tortonian of Menorca, Balearic Islands, Spain)", "Marine and Petroleum Geology", Volumen 78, Páginas 593-605, 2016. Artículo.
- Brandano, M., Cuffaro, M., Gaglianone, G., Petricca, P., Stagno, V., Mateu-Vicens, G., "Evaluating the Role of Seagrass in Cenozoic CO2 Variations", "Frontiers In Environmental Science", Volumen 4, Número 72, 2016. Artículo.
- Sureda, A.; Batle, J.M.; Martorell, M.; Capó. X.; Tejada, S.; Pons, A.; Tur, J.A., "Antioxidant response of chronic wounds to hyperbaric oxygen therapy.", "Plos One", Volumen 11, Número 9, Páginas 1-14, 2016. Artículo.
- Tejada, S.; Manayi, A.; Daglia, M.; Nabavi, S.F.; Sureda, A.; Hajheydari, Z.; Gortzi, O.; Pazoki-Toroudi, H.; Nabavi, S., "Wound healing effects of curcumin: A short review.", "Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology", Volumen 17, Número 11, Páginas 1002-1007, 2016. Review.
- Martorell, M.; Forman, K.; Castro, N.; Capó, X.; Tejada, S.; Sureda, A., "Potential therapeutic effects of oleuropein aglycone in Alzheimer's disease.", "Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology", Volumen 17, Número 11, Páginas 1002-1007, 2016. Review.
- Carla Busquets-Cortés; Xavier Capó; Miquel Martorell; Josep A. Tur; Antoni Sureda; Antoni Pons, "Training Enhances Immune Cells Mitochondrial Biosynthesis, Fission, Fusion, and Their Antioxidant Capabilities Synergistically with Dietary Docosahexaenoic Supplementation", "Oxidative Medicine And Cellular Longevity" [], 2016. Artículo.
- Capó, Xavier; Martorell, Miquel; Busquets-Cortés, Carla; Sureda, Antoni, Riera, Joan; Drobnic, Franchek; Tur, J. A.; Pons, Antoni, "Effects of dietary almond- and olive oil-based docosahexaenoic- and vitamin E-enriched beverage supplementation on athletic performance and oxidative stress markers.", "Food & Function", Volumen 7, Número 12, Páginas 4920-4934, 2016. Artículo.
- Valentina Murru, Andrea Santo, Mario Gallo, Carles Cardona, Marzia Boi, Gianluigi Bacchetta, "Comparative germination ecology and seedling growth of two Ibero-Levantine endemic species belonging to the Silene mollissima aggregate (Caryophyllaceae)", "Flora", Páginas 10-17, 2016. Artículo.