Evolución y cognición humana (EVOCOG)
Participación en congresos
- Corradi, G., Vañó, J., Nadal, M, Munar, E. & Rosselló, J.. , "The time course of preference for curved contours: effects of presentation time and backward masking". "1st meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Judgment and Decision Making", Palma, España, 2016. Presentación de comunicación.
- Rosselló, J.; Gómez-Puerto, G.; Nadal, M.; Corradi, G.; Munar, E.. , "On the natural propensity to prefer curved contours: A cross-cultural study". "1st meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Judgment and Decision Making", Palma, España, 2016. Presentación de comunicación.
- Corradi, Guido; Vañó, Javier; Nadal, Marcos; Rosselló, Jaume; Munar, Enric. , "Preference for curvature: effects of presentation time and backward masking". "24th Conference of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics", Viena, Austria, 2016. Póster.
- Vañó, Javier; Pepperell, Robert; Corradi, Guido; Nadal, Marcos; Rosselló, Jaume; Munar, Enric. , "The role of curvature in preference for visual artworks". "24th Conference of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics", Viena, Austria, 2016. Póster.
- Belman, Manuel; Currò, Tommaso; Corradi, Guido; Nadal, Marcos; Rosselló, Jaume; Del Viva, Maria Michela; Munar, Enric. , "Explaining individual differences in preference for curvature". "24th Conference of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics", Viena, Austria, 2016. Póster.
- Enric Munar; Guido Corradi; Gerardo Go?mez-Puerto; Jaume Rossello?; Marcos Nadal. , "Preference for curvature: effects of presentation time and backward masking". "Experimental Psychology Society / Sociedad Española de Psicología Experimental Meeting (conjunto)", Oxford, Reino Unido, 2016. Presentación de comunicación.
- Belman, M., Currò, T. & Nadal, M.. , "Individual differences in preference for curvature". "1st meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Judgment and Decision Making", Palma, España, 2016. Presentación de comunicación.
- Nadal, M., Belman, M. & Leder, H.. , "Construction of visual complexity and aesthetic preference". "1st meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Judgment and Decision Making", Palma, España, 2016. Presentación de comunicación.
- Nadal, M.. , "The reproducibility crisis in social sciences: Facing the challenge of better JDM research practices". "1st meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Judgment and Decision Making", Palma, España, 2016. Mesa redonda.
- Nadal, M.; Cattaneo, Z.; Schiavi, S.; Silvano, J.. , "The role of visual area V5 in the percepction of implied motion in art and its appreciation". "1st meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Judgment and Decision Making", Palma, España, 2016. Presentación de comunicación.
- Nadal, M.. , "Neuroaesthetics I: What have we learned?". "24th Conference of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics", Viena, Austria, 2016. Presidencia de sesión.
- Nadal, M.. , "Neuroaesthetics II: What have we learned?". "24th Conference of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics", Viena, Austria, 2016. Presidencia de sesión.
- Nadal, M.. , "Front to back: neural underpinnings of aesthetic orientation and perceptual processing in aesthetic appreciation of artworks". "The symbolic animal. Evolution and Neuroethology of Aesthetics", Erice, Italia, 2016. Conferencia invitada.
- López-Navarro, E., Munar, E., Corradi, G., Roselló, J. , "Effect of mental abacus calculation over executive functions in a sample of elderly people". "IX Congreso Internacional de Psicología Clínica", Santander, España, 2016. Póster.
- Palmer, N.; Corradi, G.; Llabrés, R.; Nadal, M.; Rosselló, J.. , "Effects of approach/avoidance priming words on the preference for curvature". "First SEJyD Meeting", Palma de Mallorca, España, 2016. Póster.
- Corradi, Guido; Barrada, Juan Ramón; Belman, Manuel; Nadal, Marcos. , "Revisiting Eysenck's notion and measure of aesthetic sensitivity". "24th Conference of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics", Viena, Austria, 2016. Póster.
- Nadal, M.. . "XXIV. Conference of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics", Viena, Austria, 2016. Miembro del comité organizador.
- Jaume Rosselló Mir. . "First Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Judgment and Decision Making Studies", Palma de Mallorca, España, 2016. Presidencia del comité científico.
- Nadal, M.. , "Visual complexity and aesthetic appreciation: Not so simple!". "2nd Meeting of the Leverhulme International Network 'Evaluating Methods of Aesthetic Enquiry across Disciplines'", Viena, Austria, 2016. Conferencia invitada.
- Isern-Mas, Came; Gomila, Antoni. , "Discussing whether Empathy is Necessary for Morality". "EPSSE Conference", Atenes, Grecia, 2016. Presentación de comunicación.
- Isern-Mas, Carme & Gomila, Antoni. , "Discussing Whether Empathy is Necessary for Morality". "CERE Conference", Leiden, Países Bajos, 2016. Presentación de comunicación.
- Isern-Mas, Carme; Gomila, Antoni. , "Why does Empathy matter for Morality?". "ESPP Conference", Saint Andrews, Reino Unido, 2016. Presentación de comunicación.
- Barone, Pamela; Gomila, Antoni. , "The Developmental Paradox of Belief Understanding: an Interactive Dual-process solution.". "24th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Philosophy and Psychology(ESPP16)", Saint Andrews, Reino Unido, 2016. Póster.
- Nadal, M.. . "5th International Conference on Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design", Porto, Portugal, 2016. Miembro del comité de programa.
- Isern-Mas, Carme; Gomila, Antoni. , "Looking into the Sense of Justice". "Workshop on Experimental Philosophy: Methods and New Directions", Berlin, Alemania, 2016. Presentación de comunicación.
- López-Navarro, E., Del Canto, C., Mayol, A., Fernández-Alonso, O., Gómez-Sánchez, G. , "Effectiveness of mindfulness over psychotic symptoms in a sample of severe mental illness patients: a pilot clinical trial". "IX Congreso Internacional de Psicología Clínica", Santander, España, 2016. Póster.
- Halty, L., López-Navarro, E., Belmonte, J., & Munar, E.. , "Emotional insensitivity and theory of mind in juvenile offenders". "IX Congreso Internacional de Psicología Clínica", Santander, España, 2016. Póster.
- Gómez-Sánchez, L., del Canto, C., López-Navarro, E., Mayol, A., & Fernández-Alonso, O.. , "Relationship between coping and quality of life in a sample of community-based patients". "IX Congreso Internacional de Psicología Clínica", Santander, España, 2016. Póster.
- Del Canto, C., López-Navarro, E., Gómez-Sánchez, L., Mayol, A., & Fernández-Alonso, O.. , "Theory of mind and psychosis: a comparison between paranoid schizophrenic patients and healthy controls". "IX Congreso Internacional de Psicología Clínica", Santander, España, 2016. Póster.
- Ana Pérez Manrique Antoni Gomila. , "Object permanence in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)". "8th European Conference on Behavioural Biology ECBB", Viena, Australia, 2016. Póster.
- Ana Pérez Manrique Antoni Gomila. , "The comparative study of empathy: sympathetic concern and targeted helping in non-human animals". "24th annual meeting of the European Society of Philosophy and Psychology ESPP", St Andrews, Escocia, 2016. Presentación de comunicación.
- Gómez-Puerto, G.; Munar, E.; Nadal, M.. , "Preference for curvature: past, present and future". "XXIV Conference of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics", Viena, Austria, 2016. Ponencia.