Evolución y cognición humana (EVOCOG)

Participación en congresos

  • Belman, M; Corradi,G; Rosselló, J; Nadal, M; Enric Munar.. , "The role of individual differences in preference for curvature.". "7TH IBERIAN CONGRESS ON PERCEPTION", Coimbra, Portugal, 2017. Presentación de comunicación.
  • Corradi, Guido; Barrada, Juan Ramón; Nadal, Marcos. , "Visual Aesthetic Sensitivity in Four Dimensions". "7th Iberian Congress on Perception", Coimbra, Portugal, 2017. Presentación de comunicación.
  • Barone, Pamela; Gomila, Antoni. , "Infants' performance in spontaneous-response False Belief Tasks: a Review of Paradigms and Results.". "Spring School 2017: Scoial Cognition, Emotion and Joint Action.", Bochum, Alemania, 2017. Póster.
  • Isern-Mas, Carme. , "The Scope of the Moral Community". "12th Nomos Meeting: Symposium on Stephen Darwall's Second Personal Approach to Morality", Palma, España, 2017. Comentarista.
  • Isern-Mas, Carme & Gomila, Antoni.. , "Love can ground Morality". "Second Antwerp Summer School in Philosophy and Society: The Right to be Loved", Antwerp, Bélgica, 2017. Presentación de comunicación.
  • Belman, M; Currò, T: Corradi, G; Rosselló, J; Nadal, M; Munar, E.. , "Individual differences in the visual preference for curved contours.". "40th European Conference on Visual Perception ECVP 2017", Berlín, Alemania, 2017. Póster.
  • Belman, M; Currò, T; Corradi, G; Rosselló, J; Nadal, M; Munar, E.. , "Individual differences in preference for curvature.". "20th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology.", Postdam, Alemania, 2017. Póster.
  • Vañó, J., Pepperell, R., Munar, E., Rosselló, J., & Nadal, M.. , "The role of Curvature in the appreciation of visual artworks". "VSAC 2017: Visual Science of Art Conference", Berlin, Alemania, 2017. Póster.
  • Belman, M., Currò, T., Corradi, G., Rosselló, J., Nadal, M., & Munar, E.. , "Individual differences in preference for curvature". "20th Conference of the. European Society for Cognitive Psychology", Potsdam, Alemania, 2017. Póster.
  • Munar, E, Corradi, G, Rosselló, J, Vañó. , "Bottom-up and top-down processing in preference for curvature". "20th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology", Postdam, Alemania, 2017. Presentación de comunicación.
  • Corradi, G, Munar, E, Vañó, J, Rosselló, J. , "The time course of preference for curvature". "7th Iberian Congress on Perception", Coimbra, Portugal, 2017. Presentación de comunicación.
  • Emilio López-Navarro; Cristina del Canto; Lidia Gómez; Antoni Mayol; Enric Munar. , "Executive Functions and Theory of Mind in Schizophrenia". "X Congreso Internacional y XV Nacional de Psicología Clínica", Santiago de Compostela, España, 2017. Póster.
  • Emilio López-Navarro; Cristina del Canto; Lidia Gómez; Antoni Mayol; Enric Munar. , "Relationship between Mindfulness Trait and Stroop Test in a sample with Psychotic Features". "X Congreso Internacional y XV Nacional de Psicología Clínica", Santiago de Compostela, España, 2017. Póster.
  • Emilio López-Navarro; Cristina del Canto; Lidia Gómez; Antoni Mayol; Enric Munar. , "Quality of Life, Psychotic symptoms and Coping: a mediational analysis". "X Congreso Internacional y XV Nacional de Psicología Clínica", Santiago de Compostela, España, 2017. Póster.
  • Corradi, Guido; Barrada, Juan Ramon; Nadal, Marcos. , "A new conception and measure of visual aesthetic sensitivity". "Visual Science of Art Conference", Berlin, Alemania, 2017. Póster.
  • Nadal, M.. , "Reconciling Humanities and Science: the impact of design features on emotion, behavior and physiology". "The Doctor as a Humanist: Can the Humanities Transform 21st Century Medicine?", Palma, España, 2017. Conferencia invitada.
  • Nadal, M.. , "Steps toward an evolutionary cognitive neuroscience of aesthetics". "125th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association", Washington, Estados Unidos De América, 2017. Presentación de comunicación.
  • Barone Pamela; Gomila Antoni.. , "Lo que la Perspectiva de la Segunda Persona no es. Charla sobre Interacción Miníma.". "Escuela de Verano en Cognición, Vida e Interacción", Zaragoza, España, 2017. Presentación de comunicación.
  • Barone Pamela; Gomila Antoni. , "Infant's Performance in Spontaneous-Response False Belief Tasks: Review of Paradigms and Results". "The 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP 2017)", Utrecht, Países Bajos, 2017. Póster.
  • Ana Pérez Manrique & Antoni Gomila. , "Bottlenose dolphins do not behave prosocially in an instrumental helping task". "Behaviour 2017", Portugal, 2017. Presentación de comunicación.