Evolución y cognición humana (EVOCOG)

Participación en congresos

  • Enric Munar, Robert Pepperell, Javier Vañó & Nicole Ruta. , "Preference for Curvature in Real Paintings". "XXV Conference of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics", Toronto, Canadá, 2018. Presentación de comunicación.
  • E. Munar, R. Pepperell, J. Van?o?, & N. Ruta. , "Preference for curvature in real paintings". "XII Congress of the Sociedad Espan?ola de Psicologi?a Experimental (SEPEX) XI Congress of the Sociedad Espan?ola de Psicofisiologi?a y Neurociencia Cognitiva y Afectiva (SEPNECA) XXIV Congress of the Sezione Sperimentale - Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP experimental)", Madrid, España, 2018. Presentación de comunicación.
  • Enric Munar, R. Pepperell, J. Van?o? & N. Ruta). , "Preference for curvature in real paintings". "Fourth Visual Properties Driving Visual Preference workshop. Neuroaesthetics", Liverpool, Reino Unido, 2018. Presentación de comunicación.
  • Nadal, M.. , "The ghost of aesthetics past: The evolutionary origins of humans' aesthetic valuation can inform the next wave of neuroaesthetics". "Visual Neuroaesthetics Conference", Frankfurt, Alemania, R.f., 2018. Conferencia invitada.
  • Clemente, A. S.; Vila-Vidal, M.; Aguiló, G.; Chuquichambi, E. G.; Corradi, G.; Nadal, M.. , "Musical aesthetic sensitivity". "International Association of Empirical Aesthetics Congress: Conflict, Arousal, and Curiosity: Berlyne and Beyond", Toronto, Canadá, 2018. Presentación de comunicación.
  • Che, J.; Sun, X.; Chuquichambi, E. G.; Gallardo, V.; Nadal, M.. , "Training to Distinguish Liking and Beauty". "International Association of Empirical Aesthetics Congress: Conflict, Arousal, and Curiosity: Berlyne and Beyond", Toronto, Canadá, 2018. Presentación de comunicación.
  • Sun, X.; Che, J.; Corradi, G.; Chuquichambi, E. G.; Nadal, M.. , "The role of working memory in the aesthetic appreciation of paintings". "International Association of Empirical Aesthetics Congress: Conflict, Arousal, and Curiosity: Berlyne and Beyond", Toronto, Canadá, 2018. Póster.
  • Nadal, M.; Rey, C.; Chuquichambi, E. G.; Corradi, G.; Clemente, A. S.. , "Musical and visual aesthetic sensitivity". "International Association of Empirical Aesthetics Congress: Conflict, Arousal, and Curiosity: Berlyne and Beyond", Toronto, Canadá, 2018. Presentación de comunicación.
  • Barone, Pamela; Larrode, David; Bedia, Manuel; Gomila, Antoni. , "The minimal Turing test: reciprocal contingencies for interaction detection.". "26th Conference of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP)", Rijeka, Croacia, 2018. Póster.
  • Barone, Pamela; Larrode, David; Bedia, Manuel; Gomila, Antoni. , "The minimal Turing test: reciprocal contingencies for interaction detection". "socSMCs conference 'Social cognition in humans and robots'", Hamburgo, Alemania, 2018. Póster.
  • Erick G. Chuquichambi; Guido Corradi; Albert Flexas; Jaume Rosselló-Mir. , "Implicit and explicit preference for curvature and symmetry". "XII Congress of the Sociedad Española de Psicología Experimental (SEPEX) XI Congress of the Sociedad Española de Psicofisiología y Neurociencia Cognitiva y Afectiva (SEPNECA) - First Joint Congress of the SEPEX, SEPNECA and AIP experimental", Madrid, España, 2018. Póster.
  • Guido Corradi; Erick G. Chuquichambi; Albert Flexas; Jaume Rosselló-Mir. , "Preference for curvature of meaningless novel patterns in a two-alternative forced choice task". "XII Congress of the Sociedad Española de Psicología Experimental (SEPEX) XI Congress of the Sociedad Española de Psicofisiología y Neurociencia Cognitiva y Afectiva (SEPNECA) - First Joint Congress of the SEPEX, SEPNECA and AIP experimental", Madrid, España, 2018. Póster.
  • Guido Corradi; Erick Chuquichambi; Albert Flexas; Jaume Rosselló-Mir. , "Presentation time on preference for curvature: real objects and meaningless novel patterns". "XXV Conference of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics", Canadá, 2018. Póster.