Grupo de Investigación en Ingeniería Energética (GREEN)

Participación en congresos

  • Moià-Pol, A.; Martínez-Moll, V.; Pujol Nadal, R.; Nazmitdinov, R.. , "Study Case of Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic Heat Pump System for Different Weather Conditions". "EUROSUN 2014, 4th International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings.", Aix-les-Bains, Francia, 2014. Datos de publicación: doi:10.18086/eurosun.2014.03.21. Póster.
  • Moià-Pol, A.; Martínez-Moll, V.; Pujol Nadal, R.; Nazmitdinov, R.. , "Solar potential with heat pumps for collective systems in the "Serra de Tramuntana"". "2º Congreso Internacional de la Sostenibilidad Energética de la 'Serra de Tramuntana'", Andratx, España, 2014. Conferencia invitada.
  • Sallaberry, F.; Alberti, F.; Torres, J-L.; Crema, L.; Roccabruna, M.; Pujol Nadal, R.. , "Characterization of a medium temperature concentrator for heat process
    tracking error estimation"
    . "EUROSUN 2014, 4th International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings.", Aix-les-Bains, Francia, 2014. Presentación de comunicación.
  • Sallaberry, F.; Pujol Nadal, R.; García de Jalón, A.. , "Direct tracking error estimation on a 1-axis solar tracker". "EUROSUN 2014, 4th International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings.", Aix-les-Bains, Francia, 2014. Presentación de comunicación.
  • Pere Sabater; Andreu Moià Pol; Angel Igelmo Ganzo; Jaume Ochogavia Colom; Albena Mihovska; Ramjee Prasad. , "Net zero emissions in radio base stations operating at different conditions". "Wireless Communications, Vehicular Technology, Information Theory and Aerospace & Electronic Systems (VITAE), 2014 4th International Conference", Aalborg, Dinamarca, 2014. Datos de publicación: ISBN 978-1-4799-4626-6 DOI 10.1109/VITAE.2014.6934494. Ponencia.
  • Pujol-Nadal, R.; Martínez-Moll, V.; Moià-Pol, A.. , "Comparison between Curved-Mirrors and Flat-Mirrors of the Fixed Mirror Solar Concentrator Geometry". "EUROSUN 2014, 4th International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings.", Aix-les-Bains, Francia, 2014. Presentación de comunicación.
  • Alomar, M.L.; Canals, V.; Martínez-Moll, V.; Rosselló, J.L.. , "Low-cost hardware implementation of Reservoir Computers". "IEEE 24th International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS), 2014", Palma de Mallorca, España, 2014. Datos de publicación: DOI: 10.1109/PATMOS.2014.6951899. Póster.
  • J. L. Rosselló, V. Canals, A. Oliver, M. L. Alomar, A. Morro. , "Spiking Neural Networks Signal Processing". "XXIX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS), 2014", Madrid, España, 2014. Ponencia.