Modelos para el Tratamiento de la Información Borrosa (MOTIBO)
Publicaciones en revistas
- Company-Corcoles, J.P.; Garcia-Fidalgo, E.; Ortiz, A., "Appearance-based Loop Closure Detection combining Lines and Learned Points for Low-textured Environments", "Autonomous Robots", Volumen 46, Número 3, Páginas 451-467, 2022. Artículo.
- Company-Corcoles, J.P.; Garcia-Fidalgo, E.; Ortiz, A., "MSC-VO: Exploiting Manhattan and Structural Constraints for Visual Odometry", "Ieee Robotics And Automation Letters", Volumen 7, Número 2, Páginas 2803-2810, 2022. Artículo.
- Pere Josep Pons Vives, Mateu Morro Ribot, Carles Mulet Forteza, Oscar Valero, "How to increase hotel performance through complementary services. A comparison between machine learning and classical segmentation techniques.", "Journal of Tourism Analysis/Revista de Análisis Turístico", Volumen 29, Número 1, Páginas 131-159, 2022. Artículo.
- Burguera, Antoni; Bonin-Font, Francisco; Guerrero, Eric; Martorell, Antoni, "Combining Deep Learning and Robust Estimation for Outlier-Resilient Underwater Visual Graph SLAM", "Journal Of Marine Science And Engineering", Volumen 10, Número 4, Páginas 1-31, 2022. Artículo.
- Navarro-Lopez, C.; Linares-Mustaros, S.; Mulet-Forteza, C., "The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data by John Aitchison (1986): A Bibliometric Overview", "Sage Open", Volumen 12, Número 2, 2022. Artículo.
- M. Bakhat, J. Rosselló & A. Sansó, "Price Transmission between Oil and Gasoline and Diesel: A New Measure for Evaluating Time Asymmetries", "Energy Economics", Volumen 106, Número 105766, Páginas 1-11, 2022. Artículo.
- I. Ero?lu, E. Güner, H. Aygün, O. Valero, "A fixed point principle in ordered metric spaces and applications to rational type contractions.", "Aims Mathematics", Volumen 7, Número 7, Páginas 13573-13594, 2022. Artículo.
- S. Gonzalez-Morcillo, C. Mulet-Forteza, P. Horrach-Rosselló, O. Valero, "Forgotten effects of active tourism activities on sustainable development dimensions.", "Environment Development And Sustainability", 2022. Artículo.
- Pere Josep Pons-Vives, Mateu Morro-Ribot, Carles Mulet-Forteza and Oscar Valero, "An Application of Ordered Weighted Averaging Operators to Customer Classification in Hotels", "Mathematics", Volumen 10 (12), Número 1987, Páginas 1-14, 2022. Artículo.
- González-Morcillo, S., Horrach-Rosselló, P, Mulet-Forteza, C. & Valero, O., "Forgotten effects on active tourism activities in Spain on sustainable dimensions", "Environment Development And Sustainability", 2022. Artículo.
- Garcia-Fidalgo, E.; Company-Corcoles, J.P.; Bonnin-Pascual, F.; Ortiz, A., "LiODOM: Adaptive Local Mapping for Robust LiDAR-Only Odometry", "Robotics and Autonomous Systems", Volumen 156, Número 104226, 2022. Artículo.
- Yao, K.; Ortiz, A.; Bonnin-Pascual, F., "A DCNN-based Arbitrarily-Oriented Object Detector with Application to Quality Control and Inspection", "Computers in Industry", Volumen 142, Número 103737, 2022. Artículo.
- Juan-De-Dios González-Hedström, Juan-José Miñana, Oscar Valero, "Relaxed Indistinguishability Relations and Relaxed Metrics: The Aggregation Problem", "Axioms", Volumen 11 (9), Número 431, Páginas 1-25, 2022. Artículo.
- Calvo, T.; Fuster-Parra, P.; Martín, J.; Mayor, G., "Aggregation for linearly ordered fuzzy preference relations based on consistency.", "Fuzzy Sets and Systems", Volumen 446, Páginas 38-52, 2022. Artículo.
- Halis Aygün; Elif Güner; Juan-José Miñana; Oscar Valero, "Fuzzy Partial Metric Spaces and Fixed Point Theorems", "Mathematics", Volumen 10 (17), Número 3092, Páginas 1-15, 2022. Artículo.
- Zurita, G.; Mulet-Forteza, C.; Merigo, J.M.; Lobos-Ossandon, V.; Ogata, H., "A Bibliometric Overview of the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies", "Ieee Transactions On Learning Technologies", 2022. Artículo.
- Galmés, S., "Statistical characterization of wireless power transfer via unmodulated emission", "Sensors", Volumen 22, Número 7828, Páginas 1-24, 2022. Artículo.
- Sergio Fresneda; Manuela Abbate; Carla Busquets?Cortés; Arturo López?González; Pilar Fuster?Parra; Miquel Bennasar?Veny; Aina M. Yáñez, "Sex and age differences in the association of fatty liver index-defined non-alcoholic fatty liver disease with cardiometabolic risk factors: a cross-sectional study", "Biology Of Sex Differences", Volumen 13, Número 64, Páginas 1-16, 2022. Artículo.
- Gregori, V.; Miñana, J.-J.; Roig, B.; Sapena, A., "A characterization of p-complete fuzzy metric spaces", "Fuzzy Sets and Systems", Volumen 444, Páginas 144-155, 2022. Artículo.
- Gregori, V.; Miñana, J.-J.; Morillas, S.; Sapena, A., "On Principal Fuzzy Metric Spaces", "Mathematics", Volumen 10, Número 16, 2022. Artículo.