Nivel del mar y Clima

Participación en congresos

  • Pascual, A.; Gomis, D.; Haney, R.L.; Ruiz, S.. , "A quasi-geostrophic analysis of a menader in the Palamós Canyon". "XXVIII EGS General Assembly", Nice, Francia, 2003. Póster.
  • Rubio, A.; Durrieu de Madron, X; Puigdefàbregras, J.; Espino, M.; Gomis, D.; Ruiz, S.. , "Three procedures for the analysis of the geostrophic circulation associated with an eddy over the Catalan Continental Shelf". "XXVIII EGS General Assembly", Nice, Francia, 2003. Póster.
  • Ruiz, S.; Gomis, D.; Font, J.. , "3D EOF-based spatial analysis of Gyroscope observations". "First Argo Science Meeting", Tokyo, Japón, 2003. Póster.
  • Marcos, M.; Liu, P. L.-F.; Monserrat, S.. , "Linear and nonlinear resonant coupling between two bays". "Long waves symposium 2003 (in parallel with the XXX IAHR Congress)", Thesalonika, Grecia, 2003. Presentación de comunicación.
  • S. Monserrat, A.B. Rabinovich, M. Marcos, P.L-F. Liu. , "Linear coupling between two adjacent inlets: Observation and modeling". "EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly", Niza, Francia, 2003. Póster.
  • Rubio, A., Gomis, D., Durrieu de Madron, X., Espino, M., Jorda, G., Puigdefabregas, J., Ruiz, S.. , "Three procedures for the analysis of the geostrophic circulation combining ADCP and CTD data". "European Geophysical Society XXVIII Assembly", Nice, Francia, 2003. Presentación de comunicación.