Nivel del mar y Clima
Participación en congresos
- Marcos, M.; Pascual, A.; Pujol, I.. , "Improved satellite altimeter mapped sea level anomalies in the Mediterranean Sea". "European Geosciences Union General Assembly", Vienna, Austria, 2015. Póster.
- Jordà, G.; Gomis, D.; Marcos, M.;. , "Sea level projections for Southern Europe. Up to which extent can the Mediterranean be isolated from global sea level rise?". "International Symposium CLIMATE-ES", Tortosa, España, 2015. Datos de publicación: libro de resúmenes. Presentación de comunicación.
- Gomis, D.; Jordà, G.; Marcos, M.; Martínez-Asensio, A.. , "XXI century wind wave projections for the Spanish shores. mean regime and extreme events". "International Symposium CLIMATE-ES", Tortosa, España, 2015. Datos de publicación: libro de resúmenes. Póster.
- Martínez-Asensio, A.; Marcos, M.; Tsimplis, M.; Jordà, G.; Feng, X.; Gomis, D.;. , "On the ability of statistical wind-wave models to capture the long-term trends in wave climate". "International Symposium CLIMATE-ES", Tortosa, España, 2015. Datos de publicación: libro de resúmenes. Póster.
- Jordá, G.; Gomis, D.; Llasses, J.; Marcos, M.;. , "Mapping the temperature and salinity of the Mediterranean Sea from
1950 to present. Product description and sources of uncertainty". "European Geophysical Union General Assembly", Viena, Austria, 2015. Póster. - Vivies, J.A.; Jordá, G.; Gomis, D.; Marcos, M.;. , "Projections of Mediterranean Sea climate for the 21st century. Regional vs. local changes.". "European Geophysical Union General Assembly", Viena, Austria, 2015. Póster.
- Pérez, B.; Alvarez-Fanjul, E.; Aznar, R.; Gomis, D.; Jorda, G.; Marcos, M.; Cantavella, J. V.; González, C.. , "See level hazards nowcast and forecast in Spain". "Mongoos - From operational oceanographic models to storm surge predictions: the future strategy", Mallorca, España, 2015. Presentación de comunicación.
- Marcos, M.; Pascual, A.; Pujol, I.. , "Improved satellite altimeter mapped sea level anomalies in the Mediterranean Sea". "Workshop Global and Regional Sea Level Variability and Change", Palma de Mallorca, España, 2015. Póster.
- M. Marcos; G. Woppelmann. , "Vertical land movements from the combined use of satellite altimetry and tide gauges". "UK Sea Level Meeting", Liverpool, Reino Unido, 2015. Póster.
- M. Marcos; G. Woppelmann. , "Vertical land movements from the combined use of satellite altimetry and tide gauges". "European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2015", Viena, Austria, 2015. Presentación de comunicación.
- Sönke Dangendorf; Marta Marcos; Alfred Müller; Eduardo Zorita; Jürgen Jensen. , "Detecting anthropogenic footprints in sea level rise: the role of complex colored noise". "European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2015", Viena, Austria, 2015. Presentación de comunicación.
- Médéric Gravelle; Alvaro Santamaria-Gomez; Marta Marcos; Phil Thompson; Guy Wöppelmann. , "Updated GPS vertical velocity field at tide gauges: application to global and regional sea level change". "Global and Regional Sea Level Variability and Change", Palma, España, 2015. Póster.
- Sönke Dangendorf; Marta Marcos; Alfred Müller; Eduardo Zorita; Jürgen Jensen. , "Detecting anthropogenic footprints in sea level rise". "Global and Regional Sea Level Variability and Change", Palma, España, 2015. Presentación de comunicación.
- Irene Laiz; Marta Marcos; Jesús Gómez-Enri; Evan Mason; Begoña Tejedor; Alazne Aboitiz; Pilar Villares. , "Variability of the ocean bottom pressure along the Gulf of Cadiz and its effect on the sea level spatial Distribution". "Global and Regional Sea Level Variability and Change", Palma, España, 2015. Póster.
- M. Karpytchev; M. Becker; M. Marcos; S. Jevrejeva; S. Lennartz-Sassinek. , "Sea Level Complexity in Observations And Models". "Global and Regional Sea Level Variability and Change", Palma, España, 2015. Póster.
- Marta Marcos; Francisco M. Calafat; Angel Berihuete; Sönke Dangendorf. , "Time varying trends in sea level extremes.". "Global and Regional Sea Level Variability and Change", Palma, España, 2015. Presentación de comunicación.
- S. Monserrat; I. Fine; A. Amores; M. Marcos. , "Tidal influence on high frequency harbor oscillations in a narrow entrance bay". "Global and Regional Sea Level Variability and Change", Palma, España, 2015. Póster.
- Gabriel Jordà; Damià Gomis; Marta Marcos. , "To what extent can Mediterranean sea level evolve differently from global sea level rise?". "Global and Regional Sea Level Variability and Change", Palma, España, 2015. Presentación de comunicación.
- M. Becker; M. Karpytchev; M. Marcos; S. Lennartz-Sassinek. , "Long-term sea level trends: natural or anthropogenic?". "European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2015", Viena, Austria, 2015. Conferencia invitada.
- Marta Marcos. , "Anthropogenic contribution to 20th century sea level rise". "ISSI Wrokshop on 'Integrative Study of Sea Level Budget'", Berna, Suiza, 2015. Conferencia invitada.
- Sánchez-Román, A.;Jordà, G.; Gomis, D.; Sannino, G.; García-Lafuente, J.; García-Sotillo, M.. , "Exchange flows through the strait of gibraltar: transformations and recostruction from limited observations". "CLIMATE-ES 2015", Tortosa, España, 2015. Datos de publicación: Libro de resúmenes.. Presentación de comunicación.
- Llasses, J.; Jordà, G.; Gomis, D.;. , "Reliability of uncertainty estimates in climate projections. The role of the ensemble size". "International Symposium CLIMATE-ES", Tortosa, España, 2015. Datos de publicación: libro de resúmenes. Póster.
- Llasses, J.; Jordà, G.; Gomis, D.;. , "
Skills of different hydrographic networks to capture changes in the Mediterranean Sea at climate scale
". "International Symposium CLIMATE-ES", Tortosa, España, 2015. Datos de publicación: libro de resúmenes. Póster. - Gomis, D.;. , "Sea-Level Change in semi-enclosed basins. The case of the Mediterranean". "Research Alliance (ECRA) General Assembly", Bruselas, Bélgica, 2015. Conferencia invitada.
- Llasses, J.; Jordà, G.; Gomis, D.;. , "
Skills of different hydrographic networks to capture changes in the Mediterranean Sea at climate scale
". "47th Liége colloquium 'Marine Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Prediction", Liege, Bélgica, 2015. Presentación de comunicación. - Llasses, J.; Jordà, G.; Gomis, D.; Adloff, F.; Macías-Moy, D.; Harzallah, A.; Arzouse, T.; Ahrens, B.; Li, L.; Elizalde, A.; Sannino, G.;. , "Heat and salt redistribution in the Mediterranean Sea. Insights from the MedCORDEX model ensemble". "9th HyMeX Workshop", Mykonos, Grecia, 2015. Presentación de comunicación.
- Llasses, J.; Jordà, G.; Gomis, D.; Adloff, F.; Macías, D.; Harzalla, A.; Arsouze, T.; Akhtar, N.; Elizalde, A.; Sannino, G.. , "Heat and salt redistriution in the Medierranean Sea. Insights from the Med-CORDEX model ensemble.". "Hymex/Baltic Earth Workshop", Roma, Italia, 2015. Póster.
- Llasses, J.; Jordà, G.; Gomis, D.; Adloff, F.; Macías-Moy, D.; Harzallah, A.; Arzouse, T.; Ahrens, B.; Li, L.; Elizalde, A.; Sannino, G.;. , "Heat and salt redistribution in the Mediterranean Sea. Insights from the MedCORDEX model ensemble". "Hymex-Baltic Earth Workshop", Roma, Italia, 2015. Póster.