Nutrigenómica, Biomarcadores y Evaluación de riesgos

Publicaciones en revistas

  • EFSA, Panel NDA (Becker, W.;Brasseur, D.; Bresson, J.L.; Flynn, A.; Jackson, A.A.; Lagiou, P.; Lövik, M.; Mingrone, G.; Moseley, B.; Palou, A.; Przyrembel, H.; Salminen, S.; Strobel, S.; van den Berg, H.; van Loveren, H.), "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to a notification from EFFA on mustard seed oil and mustard seed oleoresin pursuant to Article 6 paragraph 11 of Directive 2000/13/EC (adopted on 2 December 2004)", "The EFSA Journal", Volumen 156, Páginas 1-7, 2004. Review.
  • EFSA, Panel NDA (Becker, W.;Brasseur, D.; Bresson, J.L.; Flynn, A.; Jackson, A.A.; Lagiou, P.; Lövik, M.; Mingrone, G.; Moseley, B.; Palou, A.; Przyrembel, H.; Salminen, S.; Strobel, S.; van den Berg, H.; van Loveren, H.), "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to a notification from IFF on mustard seed oil pursuant to Article 6 paragraph 11 of Directive 2000/13/EC (adopted on 2 December 2004)", "The EFSA Journal", Volumen 157, Páginas 1-6, 2004. Review.
  • EFSA, Panel NDA (Becker, W.;Brasseur, D.; Bresson, J.L.; Flynn, A.; Jackson, A.A.; Lagiou, P.; Lövik, M.; Mingrone, G.; Moseley, B.; Palou, A.; Przyrembel, H.; Salminen, S.; Strobel, S.; van den Berg, H.; van Loveren, H.), "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to a notification from EPA on lactitol pursuant to Article 6 paragraph 11 of Directive 2000/13/EC (adopted on 2 December 2004)", "The EFSA Journal", Volumen 158, Páginas 1-6, 2004. Review.
  • EFSA, Panel NDA (Becker, W.;Brasseur, D.; Bresson, J.L.; Flynn, A.; Jackson, A.A.; Lagiou, P.; Lövik, M.; Mingrone, G.; Moseley, B.; Palou, A.; Przyrembel, H.; Salminen, S.; Strobel, S.; van den Berg, H.; van Loveren, H.), "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to an application to market Enova oil as a novel food in the EU (adopted on 2 December 2004)", "The EFSA Journal", Volumen 159, Páginas 1-19, 2004. Review.
  • Palou, A., "Alimentos transgénicos: nuevas directrices en la evaluación de los aspectos relacionados con la seguridad alimentaria en Europa", "Cárnica 2000", Volumen 31, Número 246, Páginas 28-29, 2004. Review.
  • Palou, A.; Picó, C.; Bonet, M.L., "Food safety and functional foods in the European Union. Obesity as a paradigmatic example for novel food development", "Nutrition Reviews", Volumen 62, Páginas S169-S181, 2004. Review.
  • Felipe, F.; Bonet, M.L.; Ribot, J.; Palou A., "Modulation of resistin expression by retinoic acid and vitamin A status", "Diabetes", Volumen 53, Número 4, Páginas 882-889, 2004. Artículo.
  • Rodriguez, A.M.; Palou, A., "Uncoupling proteins: gender-dependence and their relation to body weight controL", "International Journal of Obesity", Volumen 28, Número 4, Páginas 500-502, 2004. Review.
  • Sanchez, J.; Oliver, P.; Pico, C.; Palou, A., "Diurnal rhythms of leptin and ghrelin in the systemic circulation and in the gastric mucosa are related to food intake in rats.", "Pflügers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology", Volumen 448, Número 5, Páginas 500-506, 2004. Artículo.
  • Sanchez, J.; Oliver, P.; Palou, A.; Pico, C., "The Inhibition of Gastric Ghrelin Production by Food Intake in Rats Is Dependent on the Type of Macronutrient", "Endocrinology", Volumen 145, Número 11, Páginas 5049-5055, 2004. Artículo.
  • EFSA, Panel NDA (Becker, W.; Brasseur, D.; Bresson, J.L.; Flynn, A.; Jackson, A.A.; Lagiou, P.; Mingrone, G.; Moseley, B.; Palou, A.; Przyrembel, H.; Salminen, S.; Strobel, S.; van Loveren, H.), "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission relating to the safety and suitability for particular nutritional use by infants of fructooligosaccharides in infant formulae and follow-on formulae (adopted on 19 February 2004)", "The EFSA Journal", Volumen 31, Páginas 1-11, 2004. Review.
  • EFSA, Panel NDA (Becker, W.; Brasseur, D.; Bresson, J.L.; Flynn, A.; Jackson, A.A.; Lagiou, P.; Mingrone, G.; Moseley, B.; Palou, A.; Przyrembel, H.; Salminen, S.; Strobel, S.; van Loveren, H.), "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission relating to the evaluation of goats' milk protein as a protein source for infant formulae and follow-on formulae (adopted on 19 February 2004)", "The EFSA Journal", Volumen 30, Páginas 1-15, 2004. Review.
  • EFSA, Panel NDA (Becker, W.; Brasseur, D.; Bresson, J.L.; Flynn, A.; Jackson, A.A.; Lagiou, P.; Mingrone, G.; Moseley, B.; Palou, A.; Przyrembel, H.; Salminen, S.; Strobel, S.; van Loveren, H.), "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to the Tolerable Upper Intake Level of Vanadium (adopted on 19 February 2004)", "The EFSA Journal", Volumen 33, Páginas 1-22, 2004. Review.
  • EFSA, Panel NDA (Becker, W.; Brasseur, D.; Bresson, J.L.; Flynn, A.; Jackson, A.A.; Lagiou, P.; Mingrone, G.; Moseley, B.; Palou, A.; Przyrembel, H.; Salminen, S.; Strobel, S.; van Loveren, H.), "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to the Tolerable Upper Intake Level of Silicon (adopted on 28 April 2004)", "The EFSA Journal", Volumen 60, Páginas 1-11, 2004. Review.
  • EFSA, Panel NDA (Becker, W.; Brasseur, D.; Bresson, J.L.; Flynn, A.; Jackson, A.A.; Lagiou, P.; Mingrone, G.; Moseley, B.; Palou, A.; Przyrembel, H.; Salminen, S.; Strobel, S.; van Loveren, H.), "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to the Tolerable Upper Intake Level of Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic acid, its calcium, potassium and sodium salts and L-ascorbyl-6-palmitate)(adopted on 28 April 2004)", "The EFSA Journal", Volumen 59, Páginas 1-21, 2004. Review.
  • EFSA, Panel NDA (Becker, W.; Brasseur, D.; Bresson, J.L.; Flynn, A.; Jackson, A.A.; Lagiou, P.; Mingrone, G.; Moseley, B.; Palou, A.; Przyrembel, H.; Salminen, S.; Strobel, S.; van Loveren, H.), "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to the Tolerable Upper Intake Level of Boron (Sodium Borate and Boric Acid)(adopted on 9 July 2004)", "The EFSA Journal", Volumen 80, Páginas 1-22, 2004. Review.
  • EFSA, Panel NDA (Becker, W.; Brasseur, D.; Bresson, J.L.; Flynn, A.; Jackson, A.A.; Lagiou, P.; Mingrone, G.; Moseley, B.; Palou, A.; Przyrembel, H.; Salminen, S.; Strobel, S.; van Loveren, H.), "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission relating to the evaluation of allergenic foods for labelling purposes (adopted on 19 February 2004)", "The EFSA Journal", Volumen 32, Páginas 1-197, 2004. Review.
  • Bonet, M.L.; Oliver, P.; Palou, A., "Nutrientes funcionales en la regulación del peso corporal", "Revista Española de Obesidad", Volumen 2, Número 3, Páginas 152-172, 2004. Review.
  • Palou, A.; Bonet, M.L.; Picó, C.; Rodriguez, A.M., "Nutrigenómica y obesidad", "Revista de Medicina de la Universidad de Navarra", Volumen 48, Número 2, Páginas 36-48, 2004. Artículo.
  • Ribot, J.; Felipe, F; Bonet, M.L.; Palou, A., "Retinoic acid administration and vitamin A status modulate retinoid X receptor α and retinoic acid receptor α levels in mouse brown adipose tissue", "Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry", Volumen 266, Número 1-2, Páginas 25-30, 2004. Artículo.
  • Palou, A., Picó, C.; Bonet, M.L., "La seguridad de los nuevos alimentos en Europa: alimentos funcionales. Alimentación, nutrición y salud", "Alimentación, Nutrición y Salud", 2004. Review.
  • EFSA, Panel NDA (Becker, W.;Branca, F.; Brasseur, D.; Bresson, J.L.; Flynn, A.; Jackson, A.A.; Lagiou, P.; Lövik, M.; Mingrone, G.; Moseley, B.; Palou, A.; Przyrembel, H.; Salminen, S.; Strobel, S.; van den Berg, H.; van Loveren, H.), "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to the Tolerable Upper Intake Level of Iron (adopted on 19 October 2004)", "The EFSA Journal", Volumen 125, Páginas 1-34, 2004. Review.
  • EFSA, Panel NDA (Becker, W.;Branca, F.; Brasseur, D.; Bresson, J.L.; Flynn, A.; Jackson, A.A.; Lagiou, P.; Lövik, M.; Mingrone, G.; Moseley, B.; Palou, A.; Przyrembel, H.; Salminen, S.; Strobel, S.; van den Berg, H.; van Loveren, H.), "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to a notification from the Winemakers' Federation of Australia on milk products, egg products and fish products used in the manufacture of wine pursuant to Article 6 paragraph 11 of Directive 2000/13/EC (adopted on 19 October 2004)", "The EFSA Journal", Volumen 134, Páginas 1-6, 2004. Review.
  • EFSA, Panel NDA (Becker, W.;Branca, F.; Brasseur, D.; Bresson, J.L.; Flynn, A.; Jackson, A.A.; Lagiou, P.; Lövik, M.; Mingrone, G.; Moseley, B.; Palou, A.; Przyrembel, H.; Salminen, S.; Strobel, S.; van den Berg, H.; van Loveren, H.), "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to a Notification from AIIBP and FAIBP on acid hydrolysed vegetable protein from wheat pursuant to Article 6 Paragraph 11 of Directive 2000/13/EC (adopted on 19 October 2004)", "The EFSA Journal", Volumen 129, Páginas 1-5, 2004. Review.
  • EFSA, Panel NDA (Becker, W.;Branca, F.; Brasseur, D.; Bresson, J.L.; Flynn, A.; Jackson, A.A.; Lagiou, P.; Lövik, M.; Mingrone, G.; Moseley, B.; Palou, A.; Przyrembel, H.; Salminen, S.; Strobel, S.; van den Berg, H.; van Loveren, H.), "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to a notification from CEPS on distillates made from nuts pursuant to Article 6 paragraph 11 of Directive 2000/13/EC (adopted on 19 October 2004)", "The EFSA Journal", Volumen 132, Páginas 1-6, 2004. Review.
  • EFSA, Panel NDA (Becker, W.;Branca, F.; Brasseur, D.; Bresson, J.L.; Flynn, A.; Jackson, A.A.; Lagiou, P.; Lövik, M.; Mingrone, G.; Moseley, B.; Palou, A.; Przyrembel, H.; Salminen, S.; Strobel, S.; van den Berg, H.; van Loveren, H.), "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to a notification from CEPS on distillates made from whey pursuant to Article 6 paragraph 11 of Directive 2000/13/EC (adopted on 19 October 2004)", "The EFSA Journal", Volumen 131, Páginas 1-6, 2004. Review.
  • EFSA, Panel NDA (Becker, W.;Branca, F.; Brasseur, D.; Bresson, J.L.; Flynn, A.; Jackson, A.A.; Lagiou, P.; Lövik, M.; Mingrone, G.; Moseley, B.; Palou, A.; Przyrembel, H.; Salminen, S.; Strobel, S.; van den Berg, H.; van Loveren, H.), "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to the presence of trans fatty acids in foods and the effect on human health of the consumption of trans fatty acids (adopted on 8 July 2004)", "The EFSA Journal", Volumen 81, Páginas 1-49, 2004. Review.
  • Palou, A., "Regulación por nutrientes del sistema de control del peso corporal. Ácido linoleico conjugado", "Revista Científica de Nutrición Práctica", Número 2, Páginas 1-4, 2004. Review.
  • Ramis, J. M.; González Sánchez, J. L.; Proenza, A. M.; Martínez Larrad, M. T.; Fernández Pérez, C.; Palou, A.; Serrano Ríos, M., "The Arg64 allele of the &b3-adrenoceptor gene but not the -3826G allele of the UCP1 gene is associated with increased leptin levels in the Spanish population.", "Metabolism-Clinical and Experimental", Volumen 53, Número 11, Páginas 1411-1416, 2004. Artículo.
  • Rodriguez, A.M.; Palou, A., "The steroid RU486 induces UCP1 expression in brown adipocytes", "Pflügers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology", Volumen 449, Páginas 170-174, 2004. Artículo.
  • EFSA, Panel NDA (Becker, W.;Branca, F.; Brasseur, D.; Bresson, J.L.; Flynn, A.; Jackson, A.A.; Lagiou, P.; Lövik, M.; Mingrone, G.; Moseley, B.; Palou, A.; Przyrembel, H.; Salminen, S.; Strobel, S.; van den Berg, H.; van Loveren, H.), "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to a notification from FEDIOL and IMACE on fully refined peanut oil and fat pursuant to Article 6 paragraph 11 of Directive 2000/13/EC (adopted on 19 October 2004)", "The EFSA Journal", Volumen 133, Páginas 1-9, 2004. Review.
  • EFSA, Panel NDA (Becker, W.;Brasseur, D.; Bresson, J.L.; Flynn, A.; Jackson, A.A.; Lagiou, P.; Lövik, M.; Mingrone, G.; Moseley, B.; Palou, A.; Przyrembel, H.; Salminen, S.; Strobel, S.; van den Berg, H.; van Loveren, H.), "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to a notification from FEDIOL and IMACE on fully refined soybean oil and fat pursuant to Article 6 paragraph 11 of Directive 2000/13/EC (adopted on 2 December 2004)", "The EFSA Journal", Volumen 147, Páginas 1-7, 2004. Review.
  • EFSA, Panel NDA (Becker, W.;Brasseur, D.; Bresson, J.L.; Flynn, A.; Jackson, A.A.; Lagiou, P.; Lövik, M.; Mingrone, G.; Moseley, B.; Palou, A.; Przyrembel, H.; Salminen, S.; Strobel, S.; van den Berg, H.; van Loveren, H.), "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to a notification from SOFRALAB on hydrolysed wheat gluten used as fining agent in wines pursuant to Article 6 Paragraph 11 of Directive 2000/13/EC (adopted on 2 December 2004)", "The EFSA Journal", Volumen 148, Páginas 1-8, 2004. Review.
  • EFSA, Panel NDA (Becker, W.;Brasseur, D.; Bresson, J.L.; Flynn, A.; Jackson, A.A.; Lagiou, P.; Lövik, M.; Mingrone, G.; Moseley, B.; Palou, A.; Przyrembel, H.; Salminen, S.; Strobel, S.; van den Berg, H.; van Loveren, H.), "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to a notification from Brewers of Europe and BFBi on isinglass used as a clarifying agent in brewing pursuant to Article 6 paragraph 11 of Directive 2000/13/EC (adopted on 2 December 2004)", "The EFSA Journal", Volumen 149, Páginas 1-8, 2004. Review.
  • EFSA, Panel NDA (Becker, W.;Brasseur, D.; Bresson, J.L.; Flynn, A.; Jackson, A.A.; Lagiou, P.; Lövik, M.; Mingrone, G.; Moseley, B.; Palou, A.; Przyrembel, H.; Salminen, S.; Strobel, S.; van den Berg, H.; van Loveren, H.), "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to a notification from DSM on fish gelatine for use as a formulation aid (carrier) in vitamin and carotenoid preparations pursuant to Article 6 paragraph 11 of Directive 2000/13/EC (adopted on 2 December 2004)", "The EFSA Journal", Volumen 150, Páginas 1-10, 2004. Review.
  • EFSA, Panel NDA (Becker, W.;Brasseur, D.; Bresson, J.L.; Flynn, A.; Jackson, A.A.; Lagiou, P.; Lövik, M.; Mingrone, G.; Moseley, B.; Palou, A.; Przyrembel, H.; Salminen, S.; Strobel, S.; van den Berg, H.; van Loveren, H.), "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to a notification from Givaudan Schweiz AG on fish gelatine used as carrier for flavour pursuant to Article 6 paragraph 11 of Directive 2000/13/EC (adopted on 2 December 2004)", "The EFSA Journal", Volumen 151, Páginas 1-8, 2004. Review.
  • EFSA, Panel NDA (Becker, W.;Brasseur, D.; Bresson, J.L.; Flynn, A.; Jackson, A.A.; Lagiou, P.; Lövik, M.; Mingrone, G.; Moseley, B.; Palou, A.; Przyrembel, H.; Salminen, S.; Strobel, S.; van den Berg, H.; van Loveren, H.), "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to a notification from GME on fish gelatine pursuant to Article 6 paragraph 11 of Directive 2000/13/EC (adopted on 2 December 2004)", "The EFSA Journal", Volumen 152, Páginas 1-7, 2004. Review.
  • EFSA, Panel NDA (Becker, W.;Brasseur, D.; Bresson, J.L.; Flynn, A.; Jackson, A.A.; Lagiou, P.; Lövik, M.; Mingrone, G.; Moseley, B.; Palou, A.; Przyrembel, H.; Salminen, S.; Strobel, S.; van den Berg, H.; van Loveren, H.), "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to a notification from Kenney & Ross Ltd. on fish gelatine for different uses in food pursuant to Article 6 paragraph 11 of Directive 2000/13/EC (adopted on 2 December 2004)", "The EFSA Journal", Volumen 153, Páginas 1-9, 2004. Review.
  • EFSA, Panel NDA (Becker, W.;Brasseur, D.; Bresson, J.L.; Flynn, A.; Jackson, A.A.; Lagiou, P.; Lövik, M.; Mingrone, G.; Moseley, B.; Palou, A.; Przyrembel, H.; Salminen, S.; Strobel, S.; van den Berg, H.; van Loveren, H.), "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to a notification from BSI on nuts (almonds, walnuts) extracts used as flavours in distillates pursuant to Article 6 paragraph 11 of Directive 2000/13/EC (adopted on 2 December 2004)", "The EFSA Journal", Volumen 154, Páginas 1-5, 2004. Review.